Actuate BI Software Review

Who they are

Actuate was founded in 1993, and since its beginning has been providing businesses in a wide array of industries with Business Intelligence solutions that streamline and efficiently produce actionable information.

Actuate now services over 4,700 customers around the globe and is headquartered in San Mateo, California, holding offices worldwide. Actuate has developed BIRT which is a robust BI solution that hosts valuable tools and resources that enable businesses to make complete, informed business decisions based on their valuable data. Actuate’s BI success is found on NASDAQ, listed as BIRT.

What BIRT by Actuate does

BIRT is Actuate’s acronym for business intelligence and reporting tools and stands today as one of the premier and most utilized BI solutions in the industry. BIRT will empower enterprises of all industries with tools and applications for prime decision-making capabilities. Organized and well-designed tools are foundational in this solution. Businesses will be empowered with their own streamlined data in promoting and forecasting current and future business opportunities that lead to enterprise growth and profit.

Satisfied Customers

Bank of East Asia, Bombardier Aerospace, California State University, Chemware, GlaxoSmithKline, Florida Department of Transportation, NASCO, Johnson Controls, Mercy Ships, US Library of Congress, US Air Force Reserve Command

Actuate Business Intelligence Product(s)


BIRT Key Features

  • Actuate offers full-service Business Intelligence through BIRT. Professionals will find solutions for financial and product management for industry specific standards and can easily streamline information for enhanced decision making processes. Data is maintained and delivered at optimal heights and easily accessible from anywhere, anytime.
  • Ad Hoc Reporting – BIRT Studio- browser UI for creating, modifying and viewing BIRT content
  • BIRT Viewer- simple UI for users to view BIRT content.
  • BIRT Interactive Viewer- presentation UI that allows users to view and modify their content.
  • Dashboards – BIRT 360: Application for creating operational and analytic dashboards using BIRT content, content from other feeds, supplied widgets from ActuateOne, Google widgets and other third-party content
  • Mobile Options- Smartphone application options for viewing BIRT content anywhere, anytime, on nearly any device
  • Analytics – BIRT Data Analyzer is powerful in-memory analytics that allow users to analyze data from virtually any data source.

Actuate Technology

Actuate’s technology is offered through a single server solution with multiple options that optimize the delivery of crucial and time-sensitive data. BIRT iServer is engineered to deliver information rapidly. Information can seamlessly be integrated from any data source and features can be added to creating resources for the delivery of actionable information to professionals within the company, as well as, customers and partners outside.

Bottom Line

Robust design and intelligence are all foundational in Actuate’s BIRT technology. Business professionals are equipped with all the necessary applications to outline and promote better business practices. Actuate continues to add to the foundational pieces of BIRT for enhanced business intelligence and industries of all types will benefit from the evolving technologies found in this BI solution.

Actuate has a renowned reputation in offering solid Business Intelligence solutions, and your company and the professionals within will be empowered to make opportunistic business decisions that lead to greater growth and profit enterprise wide by employing BIRT.